True Manufacturing T-49-HC Refrigerator with 3-Year Warranty
The True T-49-HC two-section refrigerator is built with a reliable capillary tube refrigeration system that consistently maintains a set temperature between 33 and 38 degrees Fahrenheit. High-performance, electronically commutated evaporator and condenser fan motors move large volumes of air, so temperatures remain consistent throughout the cabinet. These fan motors provide fast temperature recovery and short run times to extend the life of the True refrigerator model T-48 components.
To help improve general maintenance of the condensing coil, a condensing fan motor blows in a reverse direction for 20 seconds when the compressor is turned on. This can help remove buildup of dirt, dust, and debris so the coil can work more efficiently. Preventative maintenance is still required to ensure the coil is operating properly to endure long-term use.
The cabinet is built with a stainless steel exterior front and anodized aluminum ends, back, and top, while the interior of the True T-49-HC reach-in refrigerator is protected with a rust-proof, clear-coated aluminum liner and a stainless steel floor. Coved corners simplify cleaning the floor since debris cannot get trapped, and each of the six PVC-coated wire shelves can be adjusted in 1⁄2-inch increments along durable aluminum support pilasters.
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